„Another Breach in the Wall” indoor exhibition tour guided by the curators

Palatul Ștefania - Piața Romanilor nr. 1

„Another Breach in the Wall” indoor exhibition tour guided by the curators

The curators of the exhibition – Daniel Tudor Munteanu and Davide Tommaso Ferrando, together with Bettina Siegele – assistant curator, will be guides through the Monkey House in a tour that offers a summary of the exhibition’s content and details about the decisions and solutions adopted in the process of producing the biennale. Every Wednesday during the biennial, the Beta team will facilitate a guided tour of the exhibition installed at the Stefania Palace.

(b. 1980) is an architect and curator based in Suceava, Romania. He has exhibited at the 5th Shenzhen Urbanism/Architecture Biennale, contributed to the ‘State of the Art of Architecture’ project for the 1st Chicago Architecture Biennial and to the U.S. Pavilion for the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale. His texts were published, among others, in San Rocco, Log or Volume. He has lectured in academic and cultural institutions including The Architecture Foundation in London, Genève’s HÉAD, the University of Melbourne, the Politecnico of Milano, Ljubljana’s MAO, Prague’s VI PER, the ÉAVT in Paris or the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. Together with Davide Tommaso Ferrando, he initiated and co-curated the “Unfolding Pavilion” at the 15th, 16th and 17th Venice Architecture Biennale and will co-curate Beta 2022 Timișoara Architecture Biennial. Daniel is the founder and editor of the research project ‘OfHouses – a collection of old forgotten houses’.

(b. 1980) is an architecture critic, curator and researcher particularly interested in the intersections between architecture, city and media. He is currently Research Fellow at the Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. He has lectured in several institutions including La Biennale di Venezia, the University of Melbourne, The Berlage in Delft, the Architectural Association in London, and the ETSA Madrid. Together with Daniel Tudor Munteanu, he initiated and co-curated the Unfolding Pavilion at the 15th, 16th and 17th Venice Architecture Biennale and will co-curate Beta 2022 Timișoara Architecture Biennial. Director of Viceversa and editor of Realismoutopico, his writings are published in magazines such as The Architectural Review, Log, Casabella and Volume. In 2018, he published his first book: The City in the Image.